Frequently Asked Questions

What is the value of my artwork?  Is it worth fixing?

Appraising the value of artwork is it’s own profession.  Conservators are trained to care for artifacts and have a similar approach as a doctor has with a patient.  We are the advocates for the artwork and discussing value is seen as a conflict of interest.

In providing you with a detailed Technical Examination and Treatment Proposal, you will have the necessary information to make an informed decision about what you want to do with your artwork.

For appraisals in Vermont contact Mary Jane Clark, PO Box 825, Norwich, VT  05055   802 295 0916 and her email is:

Can you treat my oil painting?

A conservator’s first year in conservation school is dedicated to general studies of all types of materials, treatments and techniques.  During the second year, we specialize in the field which we wish to pursue.  I specialize in paper-based conservation of artifacts only.

That being said, if your painting needed to simply be dusted, perhaps readjusted in its  frame, I would do that for you as that level of work was done during our first year studies.  If it involves varnish removal and/or tear repair, I would recommend a colleague to you whose specialty is just paintings.

For the treatment of oil paintings, please contact Suki Fredericks, 802 236 2666 and her email is:

For the treatment of objects and frames, please contact Sharon Morrison,